Discover the three pillars of extraordinary Vocal Performance
Voice extension
Expanding your vocal range is like having a larger vocabulary: it gives you more options, more freedom and more ways to express yourself.
Intonation is the basis of every great performance.
Better intonation will also result in
greater security.
Agility and dynamics
Learn to free your voice. Quick passages, changes in dynamics and virtuosity will no longer be an obstacle in your growth.
About me
Daniela Romano

I am Daniela Romano, a third-level certified vocal trainer in the Natural Mix Singing® method by Maestro Marco Clarizia. Music is my great passion and the element that shapes my existence. I began my journey as a student and made music not only a passion but also a profession.
I have sung in different musical groups and choirs, and today, with the Natural Mix Singing® method, I help aspiring singers like you to make their dreams come true in the world of singing.
Do you want to find out more about my background and philosophy in the field of vocal training?
Visit the 'About me' page for a complete overview.
What I do
The Method
Try to imagine that you are driving your car and that you are stationary and need to make a hill start: to get moving again without shocks, you will have to strike a perfect "balance". This is the MIX and, to be able to use this mode, each voice must take a different path, because each voice is naturally accustomed to facing register changes in its own very personal way... this is where the vocal technique teacher comes in, who knows which exercises are suitable for each of the individual student's needs.

In-person and online
Immerse yourself in the world of singing with classes designed specifically for you. Whether you prefer the direct experience of classroom lessons in Parabita, Lecce, or the convenience and flexibility of online classes, you will find the right solution for your needs.
In-person: Acoustically optimised classroom and immediate feedback for effective learning.
Online: High-quality video conferencing platforms for uncompromising voice instruction.

Choose your training path and achieve new vocal goals today.

Contact me
Do you have questions?
Seriously. You can ask us whatever you want.